


What is the industry process?

Definitions of the industry process vary, as industry is the process of fixing raw materials and changing their characteristics so that they become other products, and that happens by certain ways and tools, which makes the raw material able to satisfy a certain need, either mid-process or final product.

In another way, industry is known as the process of changing raw materials into materials and products that the consumer uses to his benefits.

Some people see that the original industry process is the process of turning a product or service that benefits people, as transfers are made technically within any area, such as textiles, food, engines, tools, etc.

The industrial revolution took place after 1800 as a result to the technical advances that took place during that era and continued till this day; that affected industry and other related fields.

Meanwhile, other people think that industry falls under the economic sector in general, and that it’s defined as all economic activities and practices that are so complex in transforming raw materials into useful and useful goods and services for the consumer. There have been a number of developments on the industry since its inception until the peak of its progress in our time. There’s a strong relationship between the cycle of business and industry as each of them affects the other, and that shows in taking good and good industrial data from the service indicators, thus providing a real indication of the economy and thus the ability to predict changes in GDP.

The importance of industry

Industry counts as one of the worldwide economic chambers, as a country’s economy evolves when it’s industry does, and a country with weak industry usually is a poor and developing country that is dependant on other countries like the Third World countries. Industry is very important and has a very strong impact as it’s capable of building an entity for any country through:

- Providing job opportunities, reducing unemployment.

- Providing a strong national income source.

- Achieving self-sufficiency of the state, and cover the needs of the domestic market through local products, thereby reducing imports.

- Raise the individual's standard of living and thus achieve a dignified and independent life.

- Achieving the tangible renaissance of the state, free it from dependence on other states, and be able to impose its economic and political control.

Industry constituents

The process of industry is based on certain pillars, which directly affect the process of industry, and there are natural factors and human factors affecting the industry, of which there are:

  • Raw materials: The industry and raw materials are two sides of a single coin that we can not isolate from each other. To make a product, raw materials must be available for its manufacture and the energy sources on which the plant will be based.

  • Weather and climate: It is necessary to adapt the industry to be practiced, with prevailing climatic conditions. Such as the textile industry in humid areas, due to the dominance of the wet climate appropriate for the industry.

  • Surface characteristics: This is the need to ensure the level of space.

  • As for human factors, they are: labor, capital, transport and communications, and the market.

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